Use your voice to do more on your TV. Press the Google Assistant button and ask Google to search for the latest blockbuster, stream shows or open multiplayer games.

Therefore I'll bring here what I wrote in a blog post "Android Log Levels" Verbose. Is the lowest level of logging. If you want to go nuts with logging then you go with this level. I never understood when to use Verbose and when to use Debug. The difference sounded to me very arbitrary. I finally understood it once I was pointed to the source Google Login Android using Firebase Tutorial Nov 30, 2015 Android Volley User Login System using PHP MySQL Tutorial

logging - How do I write outputs to the Log in Android

Oct 13, 2019 · A MotionEvent also describes the touch event’s state, via an action code. Android supports a long list of action codes, but some of the core action codes include:. ACTION_DOWN.A touch event has

Get users into your apps quickly and securely, using a registration system they already use and trust—their Google account.

Configure Google Sign-In: // Configure sign-in to request the user's ID, email address, and basic // profile. ID and basic profile are included in DEFAULT_SIGN_IN. Android 9 Pie